Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trying out an iPhone blogger App

BlogPress Lite a free version just for blogger.

Test pic of one of my studio assistants.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

New lessons added to Garageband Store. This one could not be resisted.

And when I finish that one...

Hope they add bass guitar lessons soon.

Posted via email from A Total Waste Of Time

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My happy moment of the day.

Looking at the listeners page on the Marqui Adora Last.FM page shows we have people enjoying our music all over the world. And these are just the people that use last.fm!


Posted via email from John Tooker

Monday, September 14, 2009

I learned something today... (From a gay fish)

So Sunday morning I was telling Nikki about a thought I had that week that explained why I liked music and art and didn't really care about professional sports. My thought was that when I've gone to see a band perform I want them to play well. I want them to play well for my sake for the audience and for themselves. When I leave a show I'm excited to have seen someone do something well even if it was a band I don't care about.

 Contrast that to a sports fan. When you are a sports fan you have teams that you like and root for and ones you don't like and root against. You will be disappointed even if you see one of the best games ever if it's not your team that wins in the end. You can't enjoy seeing someone with skill and talent play because they are wearing the wrong jersey.

 I felt great about this analogy and felt it clearly expressed my point of view.

 Then Kanye West feels the need to interrupt someone receiving an award because it wasn't the person he was rooting for.


 Thank you Kanye for using your idiot powers to prove my point so elegantly.

 I'm glad I'm not you and don't see the world through your retarded eyes.


Posted via email from John Tooker

Monday, September 07, 2009

The dead whale carcass of the music could feed a lot of smaller fish and a few sharks.

Two good reads about the current music business.

 Artists Find Backers as Labels Wane : http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/22/technology/internet/22music.html?_r=2

 Music and money: http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/08/23/On-Music

Related video:


(The sharks would be ticketmaster and livenations 360 deals in this case.)

Posted via email from John Tooker

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Only six songs remain in the drums folder onto the Bass folder!

Since the 10th of last month I've moved along a bunch of songs from the need to finish drums folder to the need to finish bass folder. Only 6 remain in the drums folder of the 14 and of those six I have worked on 4 of them to some degree or other. I'm rather pleased with that progress since I also was trying to pass a certification for Soundtrack Pro 2 at the same time. (Which I did.) Logic 9 continues to help things move forward at a brisker pace and since installing Snow Leopard I've recovered almost 16GB of space!

So I think my next plan of attack will be to move the songs in the bass folder forward until most of them are ready for guitars. Some of them might not even require much to move onto the guitar folder. Here are the ones currently in the 02 Track Bass folder:

Posted via email from John Tooker