Around April 2004 Joe Shockley and I had just started playing music with Ty Paff with the hope of making a really good record when we heard a bitchin’ singer through the walls of the rehearsal room next to ours...
(For more info on Marqui Adora click here.)At this point we have a lot of songs written of half written and a small group of those songs selected as our “first record.”
As of this moment our first record should include the following songs:
1-What Are You Waiting For?
We’ve only got a demo version of this song at this moment. So we still need to re-record
the entire song. Yes I said the entire song.
2-The Pretty Ones
Drums and bass guitar have been recorded all of the guitars need to be retracked (tuning
problems) and the vocals need to be recorded.
3-Die In A Disco
All of the instruments have been recorded we just need to track the final vocals.
4-Do Anything
All of the instruments have been recorded we just need to track the final vocals.
I decided the original tempo of this one was a little fast and have since re-recorded
everything but a few of the guitar parts and the final vocals.
6-In Motion
This very simple song is vexing me. I’ve still got work to do on the drums. If they change
to much I’ll need to try the bass guitar part again and then attack the daunting task of the
guitars before Ash can give us the final vocals.
The most nearly finished of the bunch. We might re-track the lead vocal.
8-Don’t Panic
This one is my happy pain child. Everything has been recorded but the vocal.
9-Everything That Makes No Sense
My personal favorite of the bunch. We’ll have to tighten up the ending and add a boat load
of vocals before it’s soup.
10-(Love Hangover) name still undecided
I still have to write most of the music to this song. The nice part is I’ll be recording as I
write it.
So those are the ten songs we’ve got lined up for this album. I’ll update you on our lack of progress on an ongoing basis.
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